Revised 6-01-2024 .........
APrayer of Jesus
I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes; yea, Father, for such was thy gracious will.
Previous Home Page Editions

Archive of the prior editions of Home Page material on

1. The First Edition,  September, 2001
    The Parable of the Builders -- Luke 6:42

2. The Second Edition,  October 1, 2001
    Rules of Conduct for the First War of the Century

3. The Third Edition,  October 12, 2001
    Jesus and Muhammad -- Overcoming the Enemy

4. The Fourth Edition, November 1, 2001
    Jesus and Muhammad on Marriage and Divorce

5. The Fifth Edition, December 1, 2001
    Jesus and Muhammad on God as Father

6. The Sixth Edition,  January 1, 2002
    Two Great Tragedies - Paul and Muhammad

7. The Seventh Edition, February 1, 2002
    Without Excuse (For not hearing the Word)

8. The Eighth Edition, March 1, 2002
    The Hard Sayings of Jesus

9. The Ninth Edition, April 1, 2002
    Some Soft Sayings of Jesus

10. The Tenth Edition, May 1, 2002
    Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

11. The Eleventh Edition, June 1, 2002
    Misunderstanding Jesus #1 -- Inheriting the Earth

12. The Twelfth Edition, July 1, 2002
    Misunderstanding Jesus #2 -- Is Divorce Lawful?

13. The Thirteenth Edition, August 1, 2002
    M.J. #3 Matt. 6:10, Your Will be Done on Earth

14. The Fourteenth Edition, September 1, 2002
    M.J. #4 Luke 2:14, Peace on Earth

15. The Fifteenth Edition, October 1, 2002
    M.J. #5 John 10:10, The Abundant Life

16. The Sixteenth Edition, November 1, 2002
    M.J. #6 Mark 12:14-17, The Tax Question

17. The Seventeenth Edition, December 1, 2002
    M.J. #7 Luke 22:36, The Two Swords

18. The Eighteenth Edition, January 1, 2003
    M.J. #8 John 2:15, The Whip (Cleansing the Temple)

19. The Nineteenth Edition,  February 1, 2003
    M.J. #9 Luke 11:21,22, The Strong Man, Fully Armed

20. The Twentieth Edition, March 1, 2003
    M.J. #10 Luke 17:20,21, The Kingdom of God Within

21. The Twenty First Edition, April 1, 2003
    M.J. #11 John 3:16, Believe in Me

22. The Twenty Second Edition, May 1, 2003
    M.J. #12 Matt. 16:18, The Church

23. The Twenty Third Edition, June 1, 2003
    M.J. #13 Matt. 10:34, Peace on Earth

24. The Twenty Fourth Edition, July 1, 2003
    M.J. #14 John 8:31,32, Law and Grace

25. The Twenty Fifth Edition, August 1, 2003
    M.J. #15 John 3:3-8, Salvation - Baptism Necessary?

26. The Twenty Sixth Edition, October 1, 2003
    M.J. #16 John 5:10, Salvation - Saved and Certain?

27. The Twenty Seventh Edition, November 1, 2003
    M.J. #17 John 1:29,36, Salvation - The Lamb of God?

28. The Twenty Eighth Edition, December 1, 2003
    F. D. #1, Original Sin

29. The Twenty Ninth Edition, January 1, 2004
    F.D. #2 The Bridegroom and the Bride

30. The Thirtieth Edition, February 1, 2004
    M.J. #18 John 15, What is the Fruit of the Vine?

31. The Thirty First Edition, March 1, 2004
    M.J. #19  Matt. 5:16, What are the Good Works?

32. The Thirty Second Edition, April 1, 2004
    F.D. #3 The Doctrine of Atonement

33. The Thirty Third Edition, May 1, 2004
    M.J. #20 The other Witness in John 5:32

34. The Thirty Fourth Edition, June 1, 2004
    F.D. #4 The Doctrine of the Trinity

35. The Thirty Fifth Edition, July 1, 2004
M.J. #21 John Chapter 6 and the Eucharist.

36. The Thirty Sixth Edition, August 1, 2004
F.D. #5 The Doctrine of the Virgin Birth of Jesus

37. The Thirty Seventh Edition, September 1, 2004
    F.D. #6 The Doctrine of Biblical Inerrancy

38. The Thirty Eighth Edition, October 1, 2004
    F.D. #7 The Doctrine of Adoption

39. The Thirty Ninth Edition, November 1, 2004
F.D. #8 The Duty to Vote (In political elections)

40. The Fortieth Edition, December 1, 2004

F.D. #9 The Millennium

41. The Forty First Edition, January 1, 2005
F.D. #10 The Doctrine of Baptism as the Cleanser of Sin

42. The Forty Second Edition, February 1, 2005
F.D. #11 The Doctrine of The Pastor/Teacher

43. The Forty Third Edition, March 1, 2005
     F.D. #12 The Essence of Sin

44. The Forty Fourth Edition,  April 1, 2005
     F.D. #13 What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Protestant)

45. The Forty Fifth Edition,  May 1, 2005
F.D. #14 What Must I Do To Be Saved?  (Catholic)

46. The Forty Sixth Edition,  June 1, 2005
F.D. #15 Sabbath Keeping

47. The Forty Seventh Edition, July 1, 2005
F.D. #16 The Eucharist

48. The Forty Eighth Edition, August 1, 2005
     F.D. #17 Authority

49. The Forty Ninth Edition, September 1, 2005
F.D. #18 Jesus Came to Change the World

50. The Fiftieth Edition, October 1, 2005
M.J. #22 Swear Not at All

51. The Fifty First Edition, November 1, 2005
M.J. #23 Keep My Commandments

52. The Fifty Second Edition,  December 1, 2005
F.D. #19 Receiving Jesus Into Your Heart

53. The Fifty Third Edition,  January 1, 2006
     F.D. #20 The Law Too Hard

54. The Fifty Fourth Edition,  February 1, 2006
     F.D. #21 Sanctification

55. The Fifty Fifth Edition,  March 1, 2006
F.D. #22  God Must Necessarily Punish Sin

56. The Fifty Sixth Edition,  April 1, 2006
F.D. #23  Jesus Was/Is God

57. The Fifty Seventh Edition, May 1, 2006
M.J. #24 The Primacy of Peter

58. The Fifty Eight Edition, June 1, 2006

     F.D. #24 The Place of Worship

59. The Fifty Ninth Edition, July 1, 2006
M.J. #25 Call No Man Your Father on Earth

The Sixtieth Edition, September 1, 2006
F.D. #25 Admission to Heaven Requires Sinless Perfection

61. The Sixty-First Edition, October 1, 2006
     F.D. #26 Christ's Return Will Restore Perfect World

The Sixty-Second Edition, November 1, 2006
F.D. #27 Once Saved, Always Saved (Perseverance)

63. The Sixty-Third Edition, December 1, 2006
F.D. #28  The Good News as Defined by Paul

64. The Sixty-Fourth Edition, January 1, 2007
F.D. #29, You Must be Born Again

65. The Sixty-Fifth Edition, February 1, 2007
M.J. #26 The Death of the Seed in John 12:24

66. The Sixty-Sixth Edition, March 1, 2007
F.D. #30, The Death of Jesus was an Atoning Sacrifice

67. The Sixty-Seventh Edition, April 1, 2007
     F.D. #31, On the Resurrection of the Body

68. The Sixty-Eighth Edition, May 1, 2007
     F.D. #32, The Application of Non Resistance

69. The Sixty-Ninth Edition, June 1, 2007
     F.D. #33, The Future Coming of the Kingdom of God

70. The Seventieth Edition, July 1, 2007 
      F.D. #34, Father, Heavenly Father, Our Father in heaven?

71. The Seventy-First Edition, August 1, 2007 
Soft Sayings (A revisit of our 9th Edition)

72. The Seventy-Second Edition, September 1, 2007 
F.D. #31, On the Resurrection of the Body (A revisit of our 67th Edition)
       also- not homefocus but new paper: M.J.#27 Marriage in the Resurrection

73. The Seventy-Third Edition, October 1, 2007
       A revisit of past editions that together collectively witness
        to Jesus being a Ransom and not a Sacrifice.

74. The Seventy-Fourth Edition, November 1, 2007

        The Eucharist According to Jesus? (revisit on multiple past editions/papers
        that collectively examine this topic.)

75. The Seventy-Fifth Edition, December 1, 2007
        The Great Principle & The Mercy Principle (a revisit on these topics and their                     synonymous relationship.)

76. The Seventy-Sixth Edition, January 1, 2008
        Obedience to the Father's Will as exemplified through the witness and life of Brother Keith Winterowd.

77. The Seventy-Seventh Edition, February 1, 2008
      Difference between Sons of Men and Sons of God in Regards to Forgiveness of Sin

78. The Seventy-Eigth Edition, March 1, 2008
      Why Did Jesus Die?

79. The Seventy-Ninth Edition, April 1, 2008
      What Did Jesus Command?

80. The Eightieth Edition, May 1, 2008

      The Fellowship of the Little Flock

81. The Eighty-First Edition, June 1, 2008
      How Do We Know The Way?

82. The Eighty-Second Edition, July 1, 2008
      Are You Among The Living or The Dead?

83. The Eighty-Third Edition, August 1, 2008
      The Way to the Father, the Way to Recovery

84. The Eighty-Fourth Edition, September 1, 2008
      Jesus says, "Cheer Up!!!"

85. The Eighty-Fifth Edition, October 1, 2008
      Jesus, The Son of the Living God

86. The Eighty-Sixth Edition, November 1, 2008

      To Vote or Not to Vote?

87. The Eighty-Seventh Edition, December 1, 2008
      Believe in Me

88. The Eighty-Eighth Edition, January 1, 2009
      The Relationship Between Jesus and Science

89. The Eighty-Ninth Edition, February 1, 2009
      The Glory of this World, or the Glory of the Father's Kingdom?

90. The Ninetieth Edition, March 1, 2009
      Seeking Humble Hearts

91. The Ninety-First Edition, April 1, 2009
      Jesus or Christianity?

92. The Ninety-Second Edition, May 1, 2009
      Who is your Authority?

93. The Ninety-Third Edition, June 1, 2009
      The Father

94. The Ninety-Fourth Edition, July 1, 2009
      The Promise

95. The Ninety-Fifth Edition, August 1, 2009
      If You Truly Love Him, You Will Obey Him

96. The Ninety-Sixth Edition, September 1, 2009

      A witness book...Jesus: The Rock of Offense. Chapters 1-3.

97. The Ninety-Seventh Edition, October 1, 2009
      A witness book...Jesus: The Rock of Offense. Chapters 4-9.

98. The Ninety-Eighth Edition, November 1, 2009
      A witness book...Jesus: The Rock of Offense. Chapters 10-14.

99. The Ninety-Ninth Edition, December 1, 2009
      The Detachment of the Children of God from this world...the series.

100. The One-Hundredth Edition, January 1, 2010
      Jesus of Nazareth or Paul's Jesus?
      Paul: The Stranger, Book 1, Jesus. Table of Contents & Chapters 1-4.

101. The One-Hundredth First Edition, February 1, 2010
      Jesus of Nazareth or Paul's Jesus?
      Paul: The Stranger, Book 1, Jesus. Chapters 5-9 & Conclusion.

102. The One-Hundredth Second Edition, March 1, 2010
      Jesus of Nazareth or Paul's Jesus?
      Paul: The Stranger, Book 2, Paul. Intro & Chapters 1-12.

103. The One-Hundredth Third Edition, April 1, 2010
      Jesus of Nazareth or Paul's Jesus?
      Paul: The Stranger, Book 3, Paul & Jesus. Intro, Chapters 1-12 & Conclusion.

104. The One-Hundredth Fourth Edition, May 1, 2010
      Jesus of Nazareth or Paul's Jesus?
      Paul: The Stranger, Book 4, The Church. Intro & Chapters 1-9.

105. The One-Hundredth Fifth Edition, June 1, 2010
      Do you know how to pray? Let the Word teach you!

106. The One-Hundredth Sixth Edition, July 1, 2010
      The Father's Will According to Jesus

107. The One-Hundredth Seventh Edition, August 1, 2010
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.
108. The One-Hundredth Eight Edition, November 1-February 1, 2011
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.
109. The One-Hundredth Ninth Edition, February 1-May 1, 2011
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.    

110. The One-Hundredth Tenth Edition, May 1 - August 1, 2011
       The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

111. The One-Hundredth Eleventh Edition, August 1 - November 1, 2011
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

112. The One-Hundredth Twelfth Edition, November 1, 2011 - February 1, 2012
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.  

113. The One-Hundredth Thirteenth Edition, February 1, 2012 - May 1, 2012
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.  

114. The One-Hundredth Fourteenth Edition, May 1, 2012 - August 1, 2012
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.  

115. The One-Hundredth Fifthteenth Edition, August 1, 2012 - November 1, 2012
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.  

116. The One-Hundredth Sixteenth Edition, November 1, 2012 - February 1, 2013
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

117. The One-Hundredth Seventeenth Edition, February 1, 2013 - May 1, 2013
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

118. The One-Hundredth Eighteenth Edition, May 1, 2013 - August 1, 2013
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

119. The One-Hundredth Nineteenth Edition, August 1, 2013 - November 1, 2013
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

120. The One-Hundredth Twentieth Edition, November 1, 2013 - February 1, 2014
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

121. The One-Hundredth Twenty-First Edition, February 1, 2014 - May 1, 2014
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

122. The One-Hundredth Twenty-Second Edition, May 1, 2014 - August 1, 2014
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

123. The One-Hundredth Twenty-Third Edition, August 1, 2014 - November 1, 2014
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

124. The One-Hundredth Twenty-Fourth Edition, November 1, 2014 - February 1, 2015
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

125. The One-Hundredth Twenty-Fifth Edition, February 1, 2015 - May 1, 2015
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

126. The One-Hundredth Twenty-Sixth Edition, May 1, 2015 - August 1, 2015
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

127. The One-Hundredth Twenty-Seventh Edition, August 1, 2015 - November 1, 2015
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

128. The One-Hundredth Twenty-Eight Edition, November 1, 2015 - February 1, 2016
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

129. The One-Hundredth Twenty-Ninth Edition, February 1, 2016 - May 1, 2016
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

130. The One-Hundredth Thirtieth Edition, May 1, 2016 - August 1, 2016
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

131. The One-Hundredth Thirty-First Edition, August 1, 2016 - November 1, 2016
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

132. The One-Hundredth Thirty-Second Edition, November 1, 2016 - Februrary 1, 2017
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

133. The One-Hundredth Thirty-Third Edition, Feb 1, 2017 - Apr 14, 2017
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

134. The One-Hundredth Thirty-Fourth Edition, Apr 14, 2017 - Aug 1, 2017
Announcement Regarding Brother Ed

135. The One-Hundredth Thirty-Fifth Edition, Aug 1, 2017 - Dec 1, 2017
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

136. The One-Hundredth Thirty-Sixth Edition, Dec 1, 2017 - Apr 1, 2018
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

137. The One-Hundredth Thirty-Seventh Edition, Apr 1, 2018 - Aug 1, 2018
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

138. The One-Hundredth Thirty-Eighth Edition, Aug 1, 2018 - Dec 1, 2018
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

139. The One-Hundredth Thirty-Ninth Edition, Dec 1, 2018 - Apr 1, 2019
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

140. The One-Hundredth Fortieth Edition, Apr 1, 2019 - Aug 1, 2019
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

141. The One-Hundredth Forty-First Edition, Dec 1, 2019 - Apr 1, 2020
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

142. The One-Hundredth Forty-Second Edition, Apr 1, 2020 - Aug 1, 2020
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

143. The One-Hundredth Forty-Third Edition, Aug 1, 2020 - Dec 1, 2020
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

144. The One-Hundredth Forty-Fourth Edition, Dec 1, 2020 - Apr 1, 2021
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

145. The One-Hundredth Forty-Fifth Edition, Apr 1, 2021 - Aug 1, 2021
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

146. The One-Hundredth Forty-Sixth Edition, Aug 1, 2021 - Dec 1, 2021
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

147. The One-Hundredth Forty-Seventh Edition, Dec 1, 2021 - Mar 1, 2022
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

148. The One-Hundredth Forty-Eighth Edition, Mar 1, 2022 - Jun 1, 2022
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed. 

149. The One-Hundredth Forty-Ninth Edition, Oct 1, 2022 - Dec 1, 2022
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

150. The One-Hundredth Fiftieth Edition, Dec 1, 2022 - Mar 1, 2023
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

151. The One-Hundredth Fifty-First Edition, Mar 1, 2023 - Jun 1, 2023
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

152. The One-Hundredth Fifty-Second Edition, Jun 1, 2023 - Sep 1, 2023
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

153. The One-Hundredth Fifty-Third Edition, Sep 1, 2023 - Dec 1, 2023
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

154. The One-Hundredth Fifty-Four Edition, Dec 1, 2023 - Mar 1, 2024
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

155. The One-Hundredth Fifty-Fifth Edition, Mar 1, 2024 - Jun 1, 2024
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

156. The One-Hundredth Fifty-Sixth Edition, Jun 1, 2024 - Sep 1, 2024
      The VOJ website will continue to be maintained and updated as needed.

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