We invite you
to hear and know the Words of Truth given to us by
Jesus of Nazareth |
said, "I am the way, the truth, and the
life; no one comes to the Father but by me." This is the
creed that serves as the foundation for this site and that is
the preface to everything you read here. We can know him only
through the record of his deeds and words that the Holy Spirit
has preserved in the gospels. The voice of Jesus first uttered
the words in the world and, as he said, it is through abiding in
his words that we can know his Truth. There is no other
legitimate authority. Stated therefore, in its greatest
simplicity and brevity, Jesus of Nazareth is our creed.You will
not find a list of doctrines here. The Truth is found only
through abiding in the words of Jesus. The papers and other
materials on this website bear witness to him, and we refer you
to them for the details.
This website is current as of May 2012. This site continues to
be maintained and updated as needed as an ongoing witness to the
Word. Your correspondence is always welcome. |